Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Kris Humphries Seek to Continue Marriage

Kris Humphries Seek to Continue Marriage 
Demands Divorce Kim Kardashian on Kris Humpries very regrettable by the husband Kim. According to Kris, he's trying to do anything for the integrity of her new household. Kim Kardashian with action that is bold enough to make crushed Kris Humphries.
Kris and Kim wanted to make her family to be eternal. But the reality is not like this. Fatal problem of what exactly makes a family is destroyed? now still in their hearts. 

When Kris knows Kim filed for divorce on Kris Humphries in the Court of Los Angeles, from a source says that Kris will do anything to make pernikhannya can continue. Is Kris is at fault? 

How much we love to do will be obvious couples after marriage. Because all of their personal property is common property. It will be seen that all the cracks when close and together, where love will be tested.


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