The gulf between Vanessa Hudgens' real life and her good-girl 'High School Musical' image continues to grow as the years pass.
Just a month ago, the 'Sucker Punch' star was spotted in New York City adding some ink to her collection of tattoos, and now, for the third time in just five years, naked photos of the 22-year-old starlet have popped up online.
The latest set of photos are particularly graphic and show Hudgens flashing her breasts for the camera, in addition to shots of her kissing other girls, among other private acts.

Critics have noted, however, that the timing of the leaked photos has generally coincided with the release of a film starring Hudgens, including 'High School Musical 2' in 2007, 'Bandslam' in 2009 and this month's 'Beastly' and 'Sucker Punch.'
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